By ModestMitkus
Modest Mitkus
Founder of Pathpages

Story of Pathpages

5 years ago, I was working in my UX design studio, struggling to manage my business and personal life. I tried dozens of productivity and time management tools, each one promising to be "the answer." But instead of feeling more in control, each new app seemed to add another layer of frustration. I’d spend hours setting them up, hoping for a breakthrough, only to delete them days later when they turned out to be just another disappointment. I was exhausted—not just from the work itself, but from the sheer effort of trying to manage it all.

Modest Mitkus founder of Pathpages

I wanted something simple, something that worked for both my business and personal needs. I loved the straightforwardness of Apple Notes, but it couldn’t do everything I needed. The worst part was how fragmented everything was: one tool for my tasks, another for my notes, yet another for my finances. It felt like I was constantly switching, always worrying I’d miss something crucial.

That’s when I came across Notion. I explored, experimented, and slowly started building systems that worked for me. At first, it was just a way to organize my projects. Then I added my personal to-do lists. Slowly, Notion began to grow into something more than just a workspace—it became the command center for my entire life. Everything I needed, whether for my business or my personal life, was finally in one place.

The overwhelming feeling that had been hanging over me for so long started to lift. I was genuinely enjoying my work again, feeling motivated and focused like never before.

People around me started to notice. My friends, clients began asking how I was managing everything so smoothly. “What’s the app you're using?” they’d say. When I showed them my Notion setup, they were fascinated. Some even asked if I could share my systems with them. That’s when I realized that Notion wasn’t just transforming my life—it had the potential to transform the lives of others too.

I started creating templates - systems designed to help not just people like me, but anyone struggling with productivity and organization. The first system I build on Notion was an e-commerce system. At the time, I was working a lot with e-commerce brands, and I knew their pain points intimately. I believed Notion could solve their problems just as it had solved mine.

The response was incredible. People loved what I had built. I remember my first sales, and more importantly, the first messages of gratitude. “This has changed the way I work.” “I finally feel organized.” Those words were more rewarding than I could have imagined. It pushed me to keep going, to create more systems that could help even more people.

That's when Pathpages was created.

Today, I look back and realize how much has changed. My Notion templates have been used by tens of thousands of people worldwide. They’ve won awards—eight so far—and have been recognized as some of the best productivity tools available (even if it's just a template).

My Notion Second Brain even earned 1st place in "Product of the Day" and 5th place in "Product of the Month" on ProductHunt, which still feels surreal.

Second Brain (Pathpages best-selling product)

Every week, Pathpages newsletter is read by 100,000 people. I also have a lovely community of over 250,000 productivity-seekers across different Pathpage’s social media channels.

Notion transformed my life—not because it magically made things easier, but because it gave me the right tool to create order out of chaos. With Notion, I finally had everything in one place, and that changed everything.

I invite you to try it out. You deserve a system that works for you, not against you. And if you’re ready to get started, I’m here to help. Whether you need guidance, templates, or just a push in the right direction, I’ve got you covered.

Completely transform the way you work and live with premium Notion templates. These templates are complete systems with multiple pages inside.
View Notion Templates